Megan and Brad wanted to capture their sense of shared destiny and their hopes for their future journey together. They set their ceremony at the edge of a magnificent Blue Ridge valley...
and released two White Doves -- ancient symbols of peace, joy and the promise of Divine Love.
Their guests were invited to send their best wishes and sincerest prayers for Megan and Brad's happiness as the doves circled in a rising spiral until they were flying together. Then they headed homeward across the valley in the celebration of flight.
White Doves can bring a breath-taking moment of hope and joy to a wedding ceremony. Always be sure to only work with doves that are trained by an ethical and professional handler like Asheville White Dove Releases. I've visited the home of AWDR owner, Julia Gaunt, many times and can attest to her dedicated care and training of her flock of White Rock doves.
Her doves can fly as far as 80 miles from their home in Woodfin, near Asheville, so she is able to serve families all over our region.
My very best wishes to Megan and Brad as they step off into their life together.
From my heart,
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Michelle Smith is the founder of Asheville Celebrant. She is an ordained Inter-Faith Minister and Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant who helps people experience deeper, more meaningful connections in their families and communities. Whether helping people create personal ceremonies for life’s big changes or leading public ceremonies that build community, Michelle honors all philosophies, beliefs and traditions--religious, secular, spiritual, inter-faith and multi-cultural. To explore the possibilities for honoring your own life’s transitions email Michelle at to set up a no-obligationExplore the Possibilities call.
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