Thursday, October 20, 2011

White Dove Release creates an uplifting moment in ceremony

I'm so pleased to introduce our guest blogger and newest partner at Asheville Celebrant -- Julia Gaunt of Asheville White Dove Releases.  Julia has brought her tenderly cared for and painstakingly trained White Rock (Homing) Doves to communities and families in our region for over 6 years now.

The sight of these beautiful white doves being released and taking flight to the sky is an awesome experience for all who witness it.   

The birds always circle around and gather any stray doves into the flock before they begin routing their way home.  They provide powerful symbolism  for the many ways people seek  to live connected.

As the doves begin flying together - their lived connection to each other allowing them to fly in unison - we feel our  hearts uplifted because we, too, can experience the bond we share with all creation.  

I am so pleased to be affiliated with Asheville CelebrantTogether, we help families celebrate and honor the connections that make life meaningful in ways that people remember for a lifetime.

Michelle is a talented and compassionate Celebrant who helps people create ceremonies that authentically reflect her clients' values and beliefs.  I trust her to release my birds with the same care and ethics I do myself.

Videos of Asheville White Dove Releases for several types of ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and community celebrations can be found at doveladyasheville on YouTube.  

The releasing of pure white homing doves is a harmonious and natural way for an individual, a family or a business to celebrate or commemorate personal milestone events.  An alternative to balloons or rice,  white doves add an unexpected and uplifting highlight to any occasion!

To set up a short no-obligation call to Explore the Possibilities for your including a White Dove Release at your ceremony email us at



Julia Gaunt, Asheville White Dove Releases

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Michelle Smith is the founder of Asheville Celebrant. She is an ordained Inter-Faith Minister and Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant who helps people experience deeper, more meaningful connections in their families and communities. Whether helping people create personal ceremonies for life’s big changes or leading public ceremonies that build community, Michelle honors all philosophies, beliefs and traditions--religious, secular, spiritual, inter-faith and multi-cultural. To explore the possibilities for honoring your own life’s transitions email Michelle at to set up a short, no-obligation call.

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