Not primarily, of course. Primarily Amendment 1 is a moral and patriotic issue. It seeks to blatantly deny individual civil and human rights, especially of minority groups.
But Amendment 1 is certainly an economic issue for me. As an professional Celebrant I am denied the business of a sizeable market of people who want to create a meaningful wedding who cannot because the person they have committed themselves to as a life partner is the same sex they are.
And to paraphrase what I heard a comic say a few months ago, there is no telling how much we could increase the GNP of this country on the weddings that would take place if gay marriage were legal nationwide!
Asheville is a wedding destination! Not legitimizing marriage between same-sex couples is hurting an important economic driver in our region.
So I was extremely gratified to see that so far 100 black clergy in the Triad have taken a stand in opposition to Amendment 1. I'm proud of these clergy leaders. Unlike me, this is not a clear and simple issue for them. But they examined the proposed amendment with discernment and an spiritual commitment to love, compassion and justice and they chose to take a stand for those values.
In Asheville, the divide on this issue came down -- among predominantly white or Jewish congregations -- about as one would expect.
But I haven't yet seen a similar accounting of the black clergy leaders here.
I wonder if we will?
Early voting began last Friday. There are a number of important elections to be decided as well as Amendment 1. Please go to the polls and cast your vote AGAINST this amendment. It's hurting everyone's business.