Many people grieved the day the Pearson Mansion at the Richmond Hill Inn burned.
Some for the craftsmanship of the historic mansion itself, some for the fine collection of art that went up in flames along with it. Others grieved because they would never be able to return to the place they celebrated their weddings and anniversaries. Those who worked there, like my friend, local musician and producer,
Aaron Price, who played piano at Gabrielle's every Saturday night, grieved in part because a source of income they'd once counted on had gone up in smoke.
Whatever the circumstances of the loss, people mostly grieved alone. Or perhaps in small groups of friends who gathered to raise a glass in honor of the beautiful landmark with it's gorgeous grounds and 5-star restaurant, Gabrielle's.
Late last summer, many of those same people rejoiced to learn that
Oshun Mountain Sanctuary in partnership with
RiverLink had purchased the land and remaining buildings of the Richmond Hill Inn and planned to bring a world-class integrative wellness retreat center to Asheville's
River Arts District.
As we Celebrants like to say, "Every life has meaning", and that includes the life of a place as it transitions from one form to another.
I'm so gratified today that our
community -- everyone who loved the Inn and everyone who is excited to see the place be given new life -- can gather together to walk the grounds, share stories and participate in a ceremony to say good-bye to the Richmond Hill Inn.
As we gather to make and share the meaning this place had for us, we experience that sense that the cycle has been completed and all shall be well.
And we make a clear space for something new to emerge.
We offer our support to this new enterprise. To those who are taking a risk to bring Oshun Mountain Sanctuary to our community we say, "We're for you. We support you. Your success will add to the success of our whole community."
Honoring transitions is important to our psychological health and the health of our relationships.
I'm so proud of the Board of
OM Sanctuary that
they recognized that one of the most important places we connect in community is through our businesses, whether for-profit or non-profit.
I believe the Board, the staff, the guests, the land and all the species who dwell there will benefit from this intentional expression of our communities collective experience of the opening
OM Sanctuary -- honoring its past and celebrating our vision for its bright future.
From my heart,
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Michelle Smith is the founder of
Asheville Celebrant. She is an ordained Inter-Faith Minister and Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant who helps people experience deeper, more meaningful connections in their families and communities. Whether helping people create personal ceremonies for life’s big changes or leading public ceremonies that build community, Michelle honors all philosophies, beliefs and traditions--religious, secular, spiritual, inter-faith and multi-cultural. To explore the possibilities for honoring your own life’s transitions email Michelle at to set up a no-obligation
Explore the Possibilities call.